Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hope for America?

The American public finally voted for the right guy last night on American Idol. Instead of putting the predictable, simpering, vanilla crowd pleaser on the throne, our fellow citizens voted in the scruffy rocker. For some reason this gives me hope that Obama could actually win. Maybe our country isn't completely lost. Maybe, underneath the layer of fat and excess, ignorance and greed there still beats the collective heart of a people who desire a true leader.

God, I hope so.


poverty said...

Oh, Obama can win. The real question is can he not lose?

Muscle in a Cavity said...

I'm sure David A's dad made him sleep locked in the cellar last week.

Cook winning was refreshing, in an entirely guilty pleasure kind of way. Obama winning would be another story. When the hell is he going to get the nomination!?!

evilcat said...

Dude! Write something! I am tired of being confronted with American Idol each time I innocently click upon your link.